Can Chiropractic Stop Chronic Ear Infections?
By: Dr. Stef Cruz
Something that is commonly seen working with infants and children day in and day out is ear infections. Ear infections can cause a majority of issues - frequent trips to the pediatrician, multiple rounds of antibiotics, talks about surgery, etc. When it comes to ear infections, there are many ways that don't involve drugs or surgery that can provide relief.
Chiropractic Care and Ear Infections
Our state-of-the-art technology will tell you where the root cause the the ear infection is coming from!
First off, let’s start with going over what an ear infection is. An ear infection occurs when there is a build-up of fluids, along with inflammation and swelling in the Eustachian Tube (the tube that connects the middle ear to the nasal cavity). It is defined as chronic if it goes on for 3 months or longer.
Both viruses and bacteria can cause ear infections however, the main cause for ear infections is improper drainage of the middle ear & Eustachian Tube, and the lymphatic system. Improper drainage could be caused by having subluxations throughout the cranial, upper neck, and upper back areas.
When subluxations occur, the body is not able to properly communicate with the nerves and muscles of the area causing there to be faulty function in that area.
Some of the most common signs of an ear infection are the following:
Pain and discomfort in one or both ears
Pulling at the ears
Sleeping difficulties
Crying and unable to settle
When it comes to treatment for ear infections; there are traditional treatment options which include antibiotics, or tubes surgery. Unfortunately, many times, ear infections are caused by a viral infection, not a bacterial one. This means that the prescribed antibiotic is practically ineffective, weakening the immune system and can increase the chances of getting ear infections again.
Chiropractic care for kids with ear infections is gentle and effective. Most kids enjoy getting adjusted!
Some natural remedies to help combat ear infections:
Chiropractic care
A stressed-out nervous system can result in it being stuck in a fight-or-flight mode. Being stuck in this state can result in the muscles and tissues surrounding the ears being tight which lead to the Eustachian Tube not draining the way it’s intended to.
Regular chiropractic care can result in a more balanced nervous system, one that is not consistently in fight-or-flight mode. This will result in your nervous system working more efficiently and increase the immune response, allowing your body to rid itself of the infection quicker!
Warm compresses
Warm compresses can be placed on the infected ear and it may help relax the surrounding muscles, increasing drainage of the fluid.
Lymphatic massage
A gentle massage around the ears and the neck, following the lymphatic tract will help drain fluid from the area and can rid the body of infection quicker
Having enough sleep and rest is crucial for immune system health and for healing.
Side note: sleeping on the side of the unaffected ear will help prevent pressure from building up in the affected ear and will decrease the pain felt in the affected ear
Vitamin D
Vit D is an essential nutrient that will help boost your immune system and help prevent ear infections. Vitamin D can be obtained through supplementation, being out in the sun, or through Vitamin D rich foods.
As you can see, there is a lot of information about ear infections that isn’t frequently talked about. Being under regular chiropractic care can help your child get over ear infections quicker and also help prevent them from even occurring. Regular adjustments can help maintain a healthy, balanced nervous system - which will lead to the body healing the way it is intended to!
**Disclaimer: This is not intended to replace medical advice by your health care provider. Please consult a professional for treatment and diagnosis.