Six Tips to Boost your Immune System - Naturally
Are you looking for natural ways to avoid the coughs and sniffles this fall? Here are my top 5 ways to stay healthy through the fall and winter months.
Follow these easy recommendations to avoid the sniffles this year. Some you can even start today!
1. Vitamin D: This supplement is technically a hormone made with sunlight in our skin. In the winter, we have less sun exposure and don't make enough vitamin D for our immune system to be in tip top shape. Studies show that a weekly or daily vitamin D supplement reduces the chances of getting influenza and the common cold. Vitamin D is dosed based on weight and lifestyle. So ask me for my recommendation at your next adjustment!
2. Avoid sweets: I know its a bummer, but sugar really depresses the immune system. The liver is easily over burdened by sugar, and has a difficult time keeping up when you've had too much Halloween candy. Limiting sugar intake give our bodies a better chance a fighting viruses.
3. Probiotics: Our gut and skin are the first line of defense against invaders. Quality probiotics help support our natural defense - our skin and gut flora. You can include probiotics in your diet by way of kefir, kombucha, and kimchi. You can also take a probiotic in a pill form. Talk to me at your next visit to determine which supplement choice is best for you. Everybody is different in their probiotic needs
4. Avoid hand sanitizers: You read that right. Avoid them at all costs. Hand sanitizers are killing your natural skin flora and making room for bad bacterial and viruses. Against popular opinion, hand sanitizers help spread disease, not prevent it!! Choose more natural solutions, like good old fashion hand washing and essential oils.
5. Get Adjusted: Adjustments have been shown to increase white blood cell counts immediately after. These cells help fight infections and keep our bodies free of pathogens. Chiropractic patients often notice that they don't get sick as often. And when they do get sick, they recover much quicker!
6. Elderberry Syrup: In our home, we always have elderberry syrup on hand. When we hear that there are colds going around my daughter's 2nd grade classroom, we start with a teaspoon daily to prevent nasty cold symptoms. When one of us gets sick, we up the dosage to one teaspoon a couple of times a day.