Why do kids see a Chiropractor?
Why do Kids see a Chiropractor?
Why take your child to a chiropractor? They can’t have a bad back.
Does your baby have back pain?
I hear it helps babies sleep, is this true?
Do you think it helps with his posture?
That’s interesting, why do you do that?
These are all questions that parents of chiropractic patients hear. Ultimately, people want to know:
How do I know if MY child needs a chiropractor?
Chiropractic care for children goes beyond back pain and head aches. While chiropractic care can certainly help with these symptoms, I strive to achieve a higher quality of life for all children.
Having a new baby, a toddler, or school age child is often a whirl wind. Every new stage comes with new challenges, concerns and worries. How do you know what is "normal" and what requires more attention?
If your little one is experiencing excess gas, difficulty passing gas or moving his or her bowels, is crying all of the time, is generally fussy, or is dealing with reflux - it's time for a check up.
If your baby is only turning his head to one side, struggles to latch on one breast, or only takes a bottle in one position - it’s time for a check up.
If your baby is developing a flat spot, is slow to roll over, or hates tummy time - it’s time for a check up.
If your toddler is constantly sick or struggling with ear infections - it's time for a check up.
If your toddler is clumsy, and hits his head a lot or falls on her butt a lot - it’s time for a check up.
If your toddler is constipated, a picky eater, and generally cranky - it’s time for a check up.
If your kiddo is wetting the bed, struggling to sleep, or woken by night terrors - it’s time for a check up.
If your child has epic meltdowns, can’t self sooth, and struggles to behave - its time for a check up.
If your child struggles in school, can’t pay attention, has difficulty following directions, and has messy handwriting - it’s time for a check up.
If your teen plays contact sports, is constantly pushing himself physically, and is growing like a weed - it’s time for a check up.
If your teen is tired all the time, constantly on her phone, and complaining of neck and head aches - it’s time for a check up.
So does that answer the question?
Kids come see me for all sorts of symptoms. But the reason is the same: